Posted by Bunny.
Radmila Joksimovic, curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art-Belgrade, just sent us a couple of photos of our work as it appears in their exhibition Lecture Performance. It's neat to see our videos translated into other languages.
Pinky Show : Entounters on Radical Education : Cats in Slovenia!, installation view at the Lecture Performance exhibition, Belgrade Heritage House, January 2010. (Photo: Saša Reljić)
I can't read this, but for our friends who can read Serbian...
[ lecture-performance-predavanje-performans-muzej-savremene-umetnosti-beograd ]
Unfortunately we weren't able to participate in any of the dialogues or programming associated with the exhibition (there wasn't any funding available to send us to Serbia), but hopefully we will go to Serbia 'one day'. In the meantime, it is just very nice to be included in exhibitions, as it's another way for our work to make contact with new audiences.