Format: script only; no audio/video
Summary: People in cars are very dangerous to animals, a very angry Bunny reports.
< start episode >
[ Pinky at news desk with microphone ]
Pinky: ...and here is Bunny, down by Highway 127, with today's roadside report. Bunny?
[ Bunny standing on the side of the highway holding reporter's mic ]
Bunny: Thanks Pinky. All of us who live near a highway are very familiar with animals getting hit by cars and trucks. Every year millions of animals are killed by humans driving motor vehicles - not just cats but also, deer, dogs, armadillos, bunnies, raccoons, possum, squirrels - LOTS of squirrels, um... birds... snakes... we see a lot of em around here.
[ display photos / statistics ]
26 million cats
6 million dogs
41 million squirrels
15 million raccoons
19 million opossums
350,000 deer
prairie dog
red squirrel
Bunny: Now I'm not even going to ask human beings to give up cars, even though to us animals they're basically just killing machines. I know you humans would never "realistically" consider it even if it was a trillion victims every year - you just assume you're entitled to have cars, am I right?
[visibly upset] So maybe the next best thing is to challenge you car-driving people to at least show a little respect; take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. I've seen literally hundreds of small animals hit and killed by people driving cars - some of them were my friends - but not even one time have I ever seen the driver pull over and go to check on the animal they just hit. Never!
[more upset] So my question is: Why don't any of you do that? Don't you know what life is? You can't afford to be 10 minutes late to where ever it was that you were going? You can't be inconvenienced by that animal you just killed? Or maybe you don't want to check on that animal because then you might find out that they're still alive, and you don't want to dirty your conscience with their blood - is that it? Hm?? Or maybe you're so selfish that you don't want to pay a vet for their treatment? Because us animals, we're so worthless, right?? [yelling] How's it that as the driver of the car you're not responsible?? Huh??? Apologize, dammit!!! Bury us! Why in the world wouldn't you even stop??? Tell me this: WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?
Pinky: Bunny...!
Bunny: (silence) All I'm saying is that you ended that animal's life. You can take 10 minutes to do the right thing.
Pinky: Um... Thank you Bunny for that... "report".
< end >